The New School Leader #23

The New School Leader Newsletter

“The reason you feel like you’ve got too much to do is because you are doing too much.” – Josh Spector

It is so easy for school leaders to get caught up doing too much of the WRONG work. As we move through the school year, we have to continue to remind ourselves to let the campus vision and the campus goals drive the work we do on a daily basis.

Now let’s get started…

The Good Stuff

1. Kelsey shares two simple things she has learned that will help new assistant principals feel just a little bit less overwhelmed.

2. Dr. Brad Johnson shares actionable tips for working with students who might have the personality trait of “low agreeableness.”

3. “Treat yourself like you would treat somebody you love.” Take four minutes to listen to this powerful piece of poetry from Adam Roa.

Meanwhile, on Social Media…

We should be in a “relentless state of restlessness” when it comes to continuous improvement.

How do new assistant principals lay the foundations of a strong relationship with new teachers?

Seventeen of the best things ever spoken about leadership.

Book Recommendation

We’re bringing this book back for the second time in the last month. If you implement the strategies outlined here, it will have an immediate impact on the quality of your instructional leadership, especially when it comes to coaching the collaborative teams on your campus.

Final Thought

Go back and think about the quote that started this newsletter. James Clear says, “If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything.” Don’t allow yourself to fall into this trap. Stay laser-focused on your goals, and keep the mission and vision of your campus front and center. If you can do this consistently, you will find yourself getting more accomplished and having a bigger impact than you ever have before.

How Can We Help You?

Are you hoping to interview for an assistant principal position this school year? Have you previously interviewed unsuccessfully? Are you looking for a way to be better prepared for the interview process in the future? The Assistant Principal Interview Bootcamp Course might be for you.

Need help preparing for the assistant principal interview? Check out this free resource: Top 10 Assistant Principal Interview Questions

Are you interested in personal coaching? We might be able to help. Reach out here to start a conversation.

Are there specific topics you would like to learn more about in future newsletters? Tell us here.

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