The New School Leader #19

The New school Leader Newsletter

It’s ok if your leadership journey does not look like someone else’s.

Too often, we fall into the trap of believing there is only one path, especially in educational leadership.

That’s just not true.

If the school year ends without you moving into the position you were hoping to land, do not lose hope. Take this summer as an opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit, re-assess what it is that you really want, and re-commit to preparing yourself to obtain that role sometime next school year.

Now let’s get started.

The Good Stuff

1. Can introverts be successful school leaders? You bet they can!

2. Leaning into Leadership Podcast. Dr. Croy recently sat down with Dr. Darrin Peppard to discuss the ins and outs of being an assistant principal as well as lessons learned from the work.

3. What does the assistant principal interview process look like? Kelsey walks us through her final assistant principal interview.

Meanwhile, on Social Media…

The most important skill you can develop as a school leader…

Everyone says they’re coachable, but are they really?

Leaders, as we wind down this year and begin thinking about next year… Just be there.

On the Move!

Today, we are celebrating two new assistant principals!

First, we are celebrating our very own Kelsey Anselmi. She is moving out of instructional coaching, and she will be the new assistant principal at Piper High School in Kansas City, Kansas this fall! We are so sad to see her leave Texas, but we know she is going to have a huge impact on students and teachers in her home state of Kansas. We also know that she is still going to be contributing greatly to the work we do here at the New School Leader!

Second, we are celebrating Zack Kruger. Zack completed the Assistant Principal Interview Bootcamp course in April. A few weeks later, he nailed his interview, and he was named the PRINCIPAL at Lakeview Elementary School in Minnesota! We are so excited for Zack as he takes this next step in his leadership journey!

Book Recommendation

Summer is a time to rest and refocus. That is why we are re-recommending this book again in this issue.

Final Thought

As we move through Memorial Day weekend, let’s take some time to remember the sacrifices that have been made so we can do the meaningful work that is educating the next generation of young leaders.

How Can We Help You?

Do you have an interview coming up? Have you been interviewing unsuccessfully? Are you looking for a way to be better prepared for the interview process? The Assistant Principal Interview Bootcamp Course might be for you.

Need help preparing for the assistant principal interview? Check out this free resource: Top 10 Assistant Principal Interview Questions

Are you interested in personal coaching? We might be able to help. Reach out here to start a conversation.

Are there specific topics you would like to learn more about in future newsletters? Tell us here.

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