New School Leader #29

Leadership in education is not just about managing tasks. It’s about inspiring minds, shaping futures, and creating a legacy of positive change. As you step into your role as an assistant principal or aspire to reach that goal, remember that every interaction, decision, and initiative you undertake has the power to transform lives and elevate your entire school community.

Now let’s get started…

The Good Stuff

1. Communication might be THE most important leadership skill for school leaders. This guide will help you start off on the right foot

2. Check out these 4 lessons learned from Kelsey’s first year as an AP

3. Tips for building relationships by connecting with teachers, students, and parents as an assistant principal

Meanwhile, on Social Media…

What core values are central to your leadership philosophy? Do you even have a leadership philosophy?

New Free Resources!

We put together some new resources for aspiring assistant principals and aspiring principals, and we want to give some of them away. Depending on your current position and your future goals, either one of these resources will help you start doing the reflective work necessary to take the next step in your leadership journey. Although each resource was created for a specific audience, they’re both free, so feel free to access them both if you want to dive a little bit deeper. To get them for free just enter $0 in the box that says “Name a fair price” (unless you feel like donating a few bucks to support our work, but that’s completely up to you).

  1. Daily Journaling Prompts for Aspiring Assistant Principals
  2. Daily Journaling Prompts for Aspiring Principals

Book Recommendation

Does your school have a “Powerful Guiding Coalition?” It is one of the keys to building consensus for change.

Final Thought

As you close this newsletter, remember that your journey as a leader is a continuous evolution. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow, each relationship as a chance to inspire, and each day as a new page in your leadership story. Your commitment to excellence today paves the way for the transformative leaders of tomorrow.

Keep pushing forward, and never underestimate the impact of your leadership.

How Can We Help You?

Are you hoping to interview for an assistant principal position in the coming school year? Have you previously interviewed unsuccessfully? Are you looking for a way to be better prepared for the interview process in the future? The Assistant Principal Interview Bootcamp Course might be for you. On August 1st, we are updating the course to include these 12 resources, and the price will be going up. Anyone who purchases the course at the current price receives lifetime access, including any updates we make along the way. There’s never been a better time to enroll in the Assistant Principal Interview Bootcamp Course!

Need help preparing for the assistant principal interview? Check out this free resource: Top 10 Assistant Principal Interview Questions

Are you interested in personal coaching? We might be able to help. Reach out here to start a conversation.

Are there specific topics you would like to learn more about in future newsletters? Tell us here.

🏆 Visit our Gumroad store now and discover:

  • Tailored packages for every stage of your journey
  • Expert-crafted guides and templates
  • Resources to help you stand out in interviews
  • Tools to define your unique leadership philosophy

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